Social tourism starts with local tourist operators

Gaita travel is committed to ensure that tourism is done responsibly, and therefore we work alongside the local communities we visit, to guarantee respect for their people and the preservation of their territory.

For any business, including tourism, sustainability also means providing equal opportunities.


In Gaita Travel we believe that it’s essential to recognise the true value of tourist attractions, and of locals’ knowledge, who add value to their organisations with their unique insight.


This is the perfect setting to share and promote their culture. 


In this sense social tourism allows tourists to be part of these communities, and take part in their projects in a harmonious and inclusive way


The stories generated in a community are part of their heritage.  By acknowledging, and sharing them we are contributing to social tourism, one of the many ways of empowering locals and boosting the local culture.

In Gaita Travel we recognise, respect, support, value and include the residents of the regions we promote.  We aim to constantly improve our relation with locals, through  the social tourism approach.

Frequently Asked Questions:

We believe that local residents must benefit from our touristic endeavours.

We identify and/or  create profitable projects along with the communities and we ensure to find funds and/or supporters for their projects.

We are supporting local operators by promoting their touristic activities in Vichada, Guainía and Guaviare.

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